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Enhancing your Psychic abilities through Meditation

21 Nov 2022



Meditation can make a huge difference in your life, especially when developing your psychic abilities. Like many other skills, psychic abilities can be honed and enhanced, meditating regularly, IS one of the top tips we can share with you.

Meditation is a concentrated practice which will assist in helping to achieve a higher state of awareness, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth. Some describe meditation as having a conversation within yourself, as it helps you discover more about yourself and who you are?

Many Psychic connections can be enhanced and developed when each you are ready. The common ones include psychic visions (clairvoyance) ESP, or increased intuition. This can enrich your life beyond words and is not complicated, however keep in mind that meditation is a way of life, and the process requires regular practice and inner discipline.

There is no right or wrong way to practice meditation, and there are so many different approaches. It is a unique and personal journey for all who choose to take it, just find a technique that works for you……

Here are some tips to help you tap into your own abilities through meditation:

Practise daily

Preferable times are early morning before the day begins and the evening to wind down.

Find a Peaceful environment

Turn off distractions, TV, laptop, phone etc. Possibly put on some soft music to help your body relax first.

Relax, Breathe, and pay attention

Relaxing with an open mind enhances your consciousness, and increases psychic awareness, so try to relax by following a body scan, or breath work. As expressed in the above writings there are many ways to connect it’s just finding what works for you.

The most important thing to remember is to make meditation a daily activity. The more consistent the more likely you are to succeed in developing your own abilities as we are all unique. After a while you will notice your spiritual energy more and more thus strengthening this connection through meditation will only increase your own knowledge and power.

A great way to start and end each day.


Enhancing your Psychic abilities through Meditation