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Light Language Healing Expert


Light Language - ‘The WORD’ is an old ancient language long forgotten. A beautiful translation through Divinity speaking within this vibration of light will bypass the mind and talk to the heart and soul of any matter in your life. The energy is unique and the words they communicate are special for each circumstance and individual. The healing modality I work with is in collaboration with my Higher Self and Guides.  we work as a team in this profound connection, and it further complements my counselling work and readings for each Soul.

  • Are you stuck in a rut?

  • Are you always listening to negative thought patterns and would like some assistance to change this?

  • Do you have or feel a heavy energy blocking you?

  • Is someone using the shadow energy to block you?

  • PTSD or trauma?

  • Are you very Sensitive being or a Light worker under stress, are you being targeted by negative energy?

  • The Language of Light will remove and cleanse old patterns.


What is The Language of Light?

Light Language healing is a multidimensional healing language that is understood by all on a soul level. This Dynamic Frequency with encodings of Sound and Light will adjust to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs in the moment, initiating clearing, balancing, aligning, and activating thus creating a new vibration of Wellbeing.

The Language of Light is a powerful healing tool,  not only those on a path of Ascension and empowerment but for all open and wishing to shift from heavy energy, mental health, and trauma into a higher perspective.

Your heart understands Light Language fluently it’s only the mind that gets in the way.

Light Language speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your personal vibrational signature as the Higher aspect of you activates the Light Language within. Much of its clarity is within the trust of the unknown, breaking through mental barriers by opening heart barriers. Most often, it is not translated as a word-for-word transmission – it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information for each Soul. I call it MAGIC!



This language is sound, vibration, colour and an old ancient language long forgotten. It’s an honour and a privilege to be a vessel for this language to assist others in their time of need.

I can work with whatever is bothering you, just remain open to receive.

Investment £44.00 x 1 hour

This can be done through zoom, skype or WhatsApp and you will receive the same energy anywhere in the world.




Investment £44.00 x 1 hour

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